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Writer's pictureamanda smith

Throwing Shade... In The Garden

Actually I have no shade to throw... But did you know there are plants that can grown in almost full shade? I did not before starting my garden expansion this past winter! For California, many of the native plants that like shade come from oak woodlands or canyons where they are used to the shade a tree canopy or rocks provide. In my garden the shade comes from the fence with ugly blue privacy tarps (working on it) and the way the preexisting trees cast shade on the far side on my little garden seen above in the photo.

Above is some of what I have planted on the shady side of my garden. From the top left- Roger's Grape, Fiesta Marigold Monkeyflower, Coral Bells, California Rose, Coffee Berry, and Round Leaf Boykinia. There is more but I will do a full introduction to everything I planted this winter soon.

I'm also trying to work on a budget as much as possible because the plants and soil add up real quick! I turned to trusty online markets and found a woman who had a bunch of brick and concrete debris to give away. So getting a workout in for the day I went and loaded up the back of my Subaru, twice actually, and got enough debris to extend the raised beds all the way around the garden corner. I also got pieces that worked as pavers to make a cute stone path at the entrance of the garden.

The biggest obstacle to gardening has been the cost of soil. If I was a homeowner there are cheaper ways to get good quality soil delivered in bulk. But since I am just a renter I have had to resort to these relatively tiny bags of soil. Since I am mostly trying to plant California native plants I also can't just get regular gardening soil. Most online forums say to stick to cactus or palm mixes but at the boutique garden shops where native plants are sold, these bags of soil can be as much as 15 dollars a bag! Then I saw this brand at Home Depot and was finally relieved to have a cheaper option at only 7 dollars for 1.5 cubic feet. I love supporting small businesses but the cost of soil there is just too much for a renter like me... would be great if they had some sort of discount for those who just can't afford all the soil it takes to get a whole garden going. If anyone out there has found other solutions then share them in the comments!

The other upgrade I made is getting the nicer looking tan tarp for the back fence. In the first photo you can see the jungle of invasive vines that makes up my neighbors yard. The vines could come through the breaking down tiki fence in every which way, so I thought by putting up a new tarp then I could keep a better hand on the vines as the encroach from the top or bottom only.

Last but most definitely not least, is this very important upgrade... my first garden sculpture! I got this cutie on a trip to Pismo Beach at a local shop. I love otters and hope to find more fun little animal sculptures and other garden art to add to the space! It might be frivolous after so much work trying to stay on a budget on so many other things but this little guy makes me so happy every time I walk in the garden to check up on whats going on back there. Next up is making a sign and maybe even naming my space? If you have any suggestions please leave a comment with a potential name for my little corner garden!

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