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Last Day In Paradise (aka Catalina Island)

Writer's picture: amanda smithamanda smith

Day one, two and three, on the Trans-Catalina Trail were certainly amazing; full of flowers and ocean-cliff views. We had traversed up and down several times through the surprisingly steep mountains of Catalina Island but on our last morning we got to truly enjoy the joys of camping on a beach by exploring one of the most amazing ecosystms- tide pools.

This blog post will be simple like the joys were simple that morning. Walking up to *possibly* fox prints in the sand and imagining the fox having a great midnight snack of washed up seafood.

Observing all the life clinging to rocks as the tide comes and goes.

Picking up rocks, resisting the urge to keep them, and taking a photo instead.

Making friends with tiny tiny crabs in a tiny tiny tidepool.

Wondering at the strangeness of gooseneck barnacles.

Singing the theme to Titanic as we threw this chunk of Amethyst back into the ocean.

Wishing I could be as gloriously bejeweled as this Sea Anemone adorning itself with multi-colored pebbles for protection during low tide.

Observing the animals who didn't make it back into sea.

There is nothing like tide pools to awaken your inner child. We all were wandering and amazed at the tiny creatures there and spent the whole morning observing and admiring everything from geology to biology along the shoreline.

Eventually we had to tear ourselves away from the beach as we had to break camp and make it back to Two Harbors for our boat back to LA. We still had 7 miles to go to make it back to town. There was beautiful Dudeleya blooming along the way.

My phone was pretty low on battery at this point so I only have a few photos of the plants along the way but the trail from our campsite back to Two Harbors was really just a road. The flatness of the road was easy but there was not a lot of shade or much breeze so it was pretty hot.

Eventually we made it back to town with plenty of time but unfourtunatley the little restaurant there closes in early afternoon so we could not get a proper meal while we were waiting. The little gift shop does have really great ice cean and a bunch of snacks and ready to go food though so we weren't too hungry waiting.

Overall I just can't recomend this hike any more as there is so much packed in to this 38.5 mile hike! We celebrated our completion of this might trail and our fearless leader rewarded us all with Trans-Catalina Trail stickers as promised.

We said our goodbyes to the island and say whale spouts on our way back to LA. Such an enjoyable four days and I can't wait to go back and hike it again!


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